BBC Documentary / Sunak came out in support of PM Modi, gave a befitting reply to the MP of Pakistan origin

Sunak gave a befitting reply to Hussain's question on the documentary. He said the UK government's position on this has been clear and long-standing and has not changed. Further, Sunak said, 'Of course we do not tolerate harassment, wherever it may be, but I do not agree at all with the characterization that has been put forward about Narendra Modi.'

BBC Documentary: The controversy over the BBC documentary on the Gujarat riots has now reached the British Parliament. Pakistan-origin MP Imran Hussain raised the issue in Parliament, following which UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak defended his counterpart Narendra Modi. He said that he does not agree with the characterization of his Indian counterpart.

Sunak gave a befitting reply to Hussain's question on the documentary. He said the UK government's position on this has been clear and long-standing and has not changed. Further, Sunak said, 'Of course we do not tolerate harassment, wherever it may be, but I do not agree at all with the characterization that has been put forward about Narendra Modi.'

The government called the documentary a part of propaganda

Recently, the Ministry of External Affairs has reacted to the documentary released by BBC on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Foreign Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi has said that we think it is part of a propaganda. It has no objectivity. Describing it as biased, he said that 'note that it has not been displayed in India'.

He said that this film or documentary is a reflection of the agency and individuals who are spreading this story again. This makes us think about the purpose of this exercise and the agenda behind it.

British MP furious over the series

Lord Rami Ranger, a member of Britain's House of Lords, targeted the BBC in his tweet on Wednesday. Actually, BBC has attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi in its new series. After which British MP Lord Rami Ranger accused BBC of doing biased reporting and also criticized BBC for hurting the sentiments of crores of people of India.

Lord Rami Ranger wrote in his tweet that "BBC News, you have hurt the sentiments of crores of people of India and also insulted the democratically elected Prime Minister of India, Indian Police and Indian Judiciary. We want riots and death of people. Condemn but we also condemn your biased reporting."

Talk of tension between PM Modi and Muslims of India in the series

Let us tell you that the British broadcaster BBC has created a new series in two parts titled India: The Modi Question. In this series, there has been talk of tension between PM Modi and the Muslims of India. Along with this, serious allegations have also been made regarding the alleged role of PM Modi in the Gujarat riots and the death of thousands of people in the riots.

According to media reports, questions have also been raised in the BBC series regarding the Modi government's attitude towards the country's Muslim population, alleged controversial policies, the decision to end Kashmir's special status and the citizenship law. It has also been said in the report that attacks on Muslims in the country are being carried out by Hindus.

Condemning BBC's biased reporting, Rami tweeted, "BBC you have deeply hurt over a billion Indians. This is an insult to the democratically elected @PMOIndia, Indian Police & Indian Judiciary. We condemn the riots & Condemn the loss of lives and also condemn your biased reporting."

The first episode was telecast on January 17, the government removed it the next day

BBC released the first episode of 'The Modi Question' documentary on YouTube on 17 January. The second episode was to release on January 24. Even before this, the central government removed the first episode from YouTube. It was written in the description of the first episode that this documentary looks at the tension between India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Muslim minority. Investigates claims of Narendra Modi's role in the 2002 riots in Gujarat. Let us tell you that the committee constituted on the instructions of the Supreme Court to investigate the Gujarat riots had given a clean chit to Narendra Modi.

UK MP said – Documentary is not fair

UK MP Lord Rami Ranger tweeted on January 18 about the BBC documentary. He told BBC – You have hurt the sentiments of more than 100 crore people of India. The sentiments of a democratically elected Prime Minister, the Indian Police and the Indian Judiciary have been hurt. We condemn Gujarat riots, but also criticize your biased reporting.

Supreme Court has given clean chit to PM Modi.

The SIT was constituted by the Supreme Court regarding the 2002 riots in Gujarat. The committee did not find the hand of Narendra Modi in the riots. The SIT had said that no evidence was found against Modi. In June 2022, the Supreme Court accepted the clean chit given to Modi by the SIT as correct.