Uttar Pradesh / The girl accused the inspector of sending obscene messages, the SP said - is it necessary to run WhatsApp?

Maneka Gandhi's parliamentary constituency on social media is trending a case of Sultanpur. It is #arrest_si_vikash_kumar. After this, now it has been stirred in the whole district about this issue, in fact, a young woman living in the district was accused of harassing obscene messages and video calls on a darling deployed in the city. A video of video calling was also viral on social media.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 18, 2021, 10:40 AM
Maneka Gandhi's parliamentary constituency on social media is trending a case of Sultanpur. It is #arrest_si_vikash_kumar. After this, now it has been stirred in the whole district about this issue, in fact, a young woman living in the district was accused of harassing obscene messages and video calls on a darling deployed in the city. A video of video calling was also viral on social media.

In this case, the young woman had given a prayer letter while complaining to the Superintendent of Police and SP had handed over to CO City in the case. However, in this case nothing has happened on behalf of the police, this issue has now come to the headlines on social media.

A young woman living in Amethi district remains rented in Nirala Nagar Mohalla and runs a beauty parlor in the city. The victim's warrior is alleged that Chowki Incharge Vikas Kumar took his mobile number from anyone and started calling pornographic messages and video. Chaki Incharge used to point out when he came to him. Girlfriends used to make video calls by making pornography. On refusing to the young woman, Durga threatened to defame him by lodging a false case. The entire acoustic woman of Durga recorded and met SP on May 31 and submitted video calls and screenshots and audio.

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The victim also alleged that when he complained to the police captain, the reverse police captain explained to him who is making him, do not mind.

The victim said to Aaj Tak "Those who are in charge of Nirala Nagar, Vikas Kumar used to talk to me and used to talk to me, Will you get your number? Do not stop running Android phones? Is it necessary to run Android phone? Simple phone can not run "

Check this case SP Dr. Vipin Kumar Mishra, handed over to CO City Raghavendra Chaturvedi. So far no action has been taken in this case.

When the Superintendent of Police was asked on the phone, he said, "After receiving the CO's investigation report, further action will be taken. It is working in a honeytrap gang and includes a soldier in this case. The person who will be there will be I will suspend the soldier and will also show a lawsuit against this girl. "