Ukraine Crisis / The President of Ukraine told the date of the attack on Facebook, America told its citizens - leave the country immediately

A senior US official said that Russia has deployed 1.30 lakh soldiers, not one lakh, on the border with Ukraine. The US also warned that Russia could attack Ukraine this week. In view of this, some airlines have also canceled their flights to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. At the same time, NATO countries have also sent new consignments of weapons to compete with Russia.

A senior US official said that Russia has deployed 1.30 lakh soldiers, not one lakh, on the border with Ukraine. The US also warned that Russia could attack Ukraine this week. In view of this, some airlines have also canceled their flights to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. At the same time, NATO countries have also sent new consignments of weapons to compete with Russia.

The US has deployed four of its B-52 bomber fighters to Britain amid reports of Russia preparing to drop major bombs during a three-way maneuver from Ukraine. Equipped with nuclear bombs, these planes have also flown around the Ukrainian border in the Mediterranean Sea. According to the report of The Drive, these bombers have arrived in Britain from North Dakota and will remain here for the next 3 weeks.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky held talks with US President Joe Biden for about an hour. His aides later reported that Zelensky told Biden that the people of Ukraine were under "trustworthy protection" in the face of a possible attack from the Russian military. The White House has said that the two countries agreed that both diplomatic and deterrence measures should be taken to stop Russia's attack.

US asks its citizens to leave Ukraine immediately

In the midst of this escalating tension, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that in view of the dramatic deployment of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border, we have decided to temporarily move our embassy from Kiev to Lviv. Its process is on.

"We urge all American citizens to leave Ukraine immediately," he said. However, a Pentagon spokesman said the US still does not believe Putin has decided to attack, but may do so without warning.

Ukraine's president told the date of the attack

Here, during this time the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, has given more air to the clouds of tension with one of his Facebook posts. He wrote in his post – February 16 will be the day of Russia's attack on Ukraine. Zelensky also said in his post that he wants to resolve all disputes through dialogue. He said that we have been told that February 16 will be the day of the attack. He further said that we will make it Ekta Diwas. He said that the order related to this has already been signed. This afternoon we will unfurl the national flag, wear blue-yellow ribbons and show our unity to the world.

Grandmother picked up AK-47 for the country, Ukraine told her heroine

In Ukraine, whether children, elders, are all undergoing military training to defend the country in the event of a Russian attack. Among them is Valentina Konstantinovska, a 79-year-old grandmother from the town of Mariupol in eastern Ukraine. Photographs of Valentiva taking training to operate AK-47s from National Guard soldiers are rife. All Ukrainians are calling her heroine in one voice.

Russia deployed hypersonic missiles

Although Russia has consistently denied the possibility of an attack on Ukraine, it has deployed its MiG-31 aircraft equipped with hypersonic missiles to teach a lesson to NATO countries after the US deployed parachute troops in Poland.

Russia has deployed these aircraft in its city of Kaliningrad, which is located near the Baltic Sea and borders Poland and Lithuania. These Kinzhal hypersonic missiles of Russia are capable of flying at a speed 10 times higher than sound and have the power to drop nuclear bombs.

Ukraine's future may be decided in the coming week

The Ukraine crisis is reaching a critical point where the future of European stability and East-West relations hangs in the balance. Events in the coming week will decide whether the standoff will be resolved peacefully or whether there will be a war in Europe.

The post-Cold War security system in Europe and the long-determined border structure on the deployment of conventional military and nuclear forces is at stake due to this crisis. Former US ambassador to Georgia Ian Kelly said the next 10 days would be crucial. According to US intelligence, Russia can do this attack on Wednesday next week.

Zelensky seeks evidence on new attack warning

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky within days tried to downplay Russia's warning of an attack, saying he had not yet found satisfactory evidence in this regard.

Zelensky's statement came after the US warned of an attack on Ukraine by Russia next week. Zelensky has appealed to his men to exercise restraint despite being surrounded on three sides by Russian troops. At the same time, Russia has called it a military exercise.

America engaged in finding a diplomatic solution

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has again warned Russia of dire consequences. Along with this, he also insisted on finding a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis. White House Deputy Press Secretary Carin Jean-Pierre said that we are actively trying to find a diplomatic solution to defuse the tension. You'll know by this weekend. He said President Biden has spoken to Russian President Putin. We will continue to engage in constant dialogue with Russia, coordinating with all our partners. Pierre said that the path of diplomacy would prevail if Russia continued to negotiate constructively. President Biden has also spoken to British PM Boris Johnson.