Haryana / The tragic death of 17 cows in the grip of a freight train, the driver explained the reason for the accident

A painful accident took place in Asan Kala, a village in Panipat when 17 cows died due to the impact of a freight train. According to eyewitnesses, about 20 to 22 cows were going from the side of the railway track. At the same time, the goods train was leaving there. The driver of the goods train rang the horn to warn, but fearing the sound of horns

Panipat. A painful accident took place in Asan Kala, a village in Panipat when 17 cows died due to the impact of a freight train. According to eyewitnesses, about 20 to 22 cows were going from the side of the railway track. At the same time, the goods train was leaving there. The driver of the goods train rang the horn to warn, but fearing the sound of horns, the cow climbed on the railway track. With this, 17 cows died on the spot due to the freight train. While the life of a cow and a bull was saved, they were released in a nearby cowshed. The same dead cows have been buried by the villagers with the help of the Animal Department at their level.

People are angry about this accident. Cow servant Azad Singh Arya called it the negligence of the driver of the goods train. He said that the driver was clearly seen to have sung on the railway track. If he wanted, he could hit the brakes and save the life of the cows. He said that even before this, dozens of cows had died due to the grip of the train. For this, he has several times requested the railway administration to install both side railings of the railway track, but the railway administration did not hear any.

At the same time, eyewitnesses say that the accident was so painful that around 5 to 6 cows got stuck in the front of the train. Those cows were taken out after a lot of effort. However, the dead cows have been buried by the villagers. The railway administration must also take some drastic steps in terms of safety in relation to this painful accident. Villagers have expressed grief over the death of such a large number of cows