Ireland / There was a stir when a bomb from World War II was found, 400 houses were evacuated

There has been a stir in Northern Ireland after a bomb from the Second World War was found. More than 400 houses had to be evacuated for security reasons. Such bombs are still found in different countries, due to which security agencies have to be extra vigilant.

Ireland: Police have ordered the evacuation of more than 400 homes in Northern Ireland to remove a suspected World War II bomb. Police have said that the bomb removal operation could take more than five days. The bomb was found on Friday in Newtownards in County Down, about 15 km east of Belfast. Superintendent Johnston McDowell, commander of the North Down and Ards district, said, "People's safety is paramount and we will not take any risks, so this process is necessary."

Police have set up 'barricades' at the spot and motorists have been asked to stay away from the area concerned. An emergency help center has been set up for local people who have to go out of their homes. Where have bombs been found? Bomb found in Germany Meanwhile, let us also tell you here that the remains of bombs used during the Second World War (1939-1945) are still found. We have been finding these in different countries from time to time. In the year 2019, a bomb from the time of World War II was found in the city of Frankfurt, Germany. The weight of this bomb was about 500 kg. After the bomb was found, the entire area was evacuated and a team of experts was called to defuse the bomb.

Bomb found in London

A World War II bomb was found during excavation at a construction site in London, UK in 2021. After the bomb was found, thousands of people were evacuated from their homes and the army was called to defuse the bomb. This process took several hours.

Bomb found in Italy

A World War II bomb was found during the cleaning of a river in the Italian city of Boschera in 2018. The bomb weighed about 225 kg. A team of experts was called to defuse it and the entire area was secured.

Bomb found in Japan

In 2022, a World War II bomb was found at a construction site in Tokyo, Japan. The weight of this bomb was about 100 kg. Police and military forces were called to defuse it safely.

Bomb found in France

A World War II bomb was found near a park in Paris, France in 2020. Specially trained teams worked to defuse this bomb. During this, the entire area was evacuated.