Viral News / This boy is 10 years old, earns 18 crores every month

Digital platform has become so powerful in today's era that in many ways this platform has left the traditional career behind. This example is Rayan Kazi. Only 10 year old children had started their digital career for a few years and today they own billions of rupees.

Digital platform has become so powerful in today's era that in many ways this platform has left the traditional career behind. This example is Rayan Kazi. Only 10 year old children had started their digital career for a few years and today they own billions of rupees.

In 2015, Rain Kazi started his YouTube career. Raan started watching the video of toys on YouTube. He had said his mother by looking at these reviews that when all the children are on YouTube, then what are I doing here? Only then the digital journey of this child started.

Rain's video review, living in America's Taxas, started feeling very much and his fan base began to grow very much. Raan's popularity was reached at the peak three years later and in 2018, 2019 and 2020, youtube was the highest earning on YouTube.

Rain Kazi unables toys and games on YouTube and reviews them. He has earned 29.5 million dollars i.e. about 221 crores from YouTube last year. That is, he has earned about Rs 18 crore every month from YouTube.

Apart from this, through the World Branded Toy and Clothing, this child earned 200 million dollars. Along with its YouTube channel, many deals related to Ryan clothing and toys are also signing.

Rai's real surname is Guan but seeing his online popularity, his family has kept his surname. Raun's family runs 9 YouTube channels. Among them the channel named Ryan World is the most popular. There are more than 40 million subscribers on this channel.

Rain Kazi has now turned into a brand. He also signed with a multi-million dollars TV series Nicelodien. Many children around the world, especially to see Rayan on the screen, and their videos are visible in millions of crores.

Rayan's most popular video has so far seen more than 2 billion people. These videos are among the top 50 highest viewing videos of YouTube history.

Raan gets full support from his family and he is now managed to establish himself as a child influen. After Instagram Influen, Child Influenzers are also becoming popular on social media.