Viral News / This special type of porn may become an 'epidemic' in the coming days, claim experts

Till three decades ago, people did not have internet, so porn culture was also negligible. However, as the world has become technologically better, the world of porn has also evolved at the same level. Now a leading legal expert claims that deepfake pornography could prove to be an epidemic of sexual abuse in the times to come.

Till three decades ago, people did not have internet, so porn culture was also negligible. However, as the world has become technologically better, the world of porn has also evolved at the same level. Now a leading legal expert claims that deepfake pornography could prove to be an epidemic of sexual abuse in the times to come. Till a few years ago, there have been reports of modifying the image of a person by changing his face, but due to deepfake technology, the same process is now being repeated in videos too, which can prove to be harmful for many people especially women in the coming era. is.

Deepfake is a technology in which any face can be placed on the body of any human using computer technology and this technique is so effective that it does not appear from anywhere that the face of another person can be placed on a person's body. Has been used.

Some time back when the deepfake technique became viral in the market, many people felt that it can increase the cases of fake news because any politician can be made viral by using fake image of him to make any statement. However, even before this, more dangerous aspects of this technology started coming to the fore.

DeepFex expert Henry Edger is following the development of this technology very closely. In a conversation with BBC, he said that the craze of deepfakes started around 2017. With a person sharing an open source software, this technology was made a little easier for the general public.

He further said that while deepfakes previously required complex visual effects and programming, now to some extent most people can do it but the results depend on the computer skills of an individual. He said that it can be misused a lot and it needs to be taken seriously.

Helen Mort is a writer living in Sheffield. He had seen his deepfake pictures on a porn website two years ago. These pictures were on the internet since the year 2017. In a conversation with the BBC, Helen said that she was shocked to see these pictures.

Helen said that as soon as I saw these pictures, a thought came to my mind that what did I do that I have to see this day? Despite no fault of mine, I felt ashamed of myself.

Helen was thankful that no one had made a deepfake video using her face. They have got these pictures removed, but in England, manipulating with pictures is not considered a crime yet. In such a situation, Helen has not yet come to know who had molested her photo.

Professor McGlynn of Durham University said in this case that although the number of people who have been victims of deepfakes is very small at the moment, but if we are completely careless about it, then it can become a big problem in the future.

He further said that if we do not control this technology and do not try to change things, then it can take the form of an epidemic and it will not be wrong to call it an epidemic of exploitation.