RELATIONSHIP / Thousands of couples live together without getting married here in the country, you will be surprised to know the reason

Many people consider it wrong to have an affair with someone before marrying someone in their country. But there is also a place in the country where thousands of people live together without marriage. Yes, today we are giving you information about a place in our country where couples live in live-in without getting married. The age of many such couples is forty-fifty years.

Many people consider it wrong to have an affair with someone before marrying someone in their country. But there is also a place in the country where thousands of people live together without marriage. Yes, today we are giving you information about a place in our country where couples live in live-in without getting married. The age of many such couples is forty-fifty years.

Such relationships are called dhuku

Thousands of such couples live in Jharkhand. You can be shocked by the fact that thousands of couples live in live in relationship in Jharkhand. Now a campaign is going on to give legal and social recognition to such relationships. In tribal areas, this relationship of Livin is known by the name of Dhuku. Such couples, even after spending many years together under one roof, are not able to give the name of marriage to their relationship. There is a big reason behind this too.

Voluntary organization Nimit has taken a big initiative

Voluntary organization Nimitha has taken a big initiative for the rights of such people. Under which the couples with dhuku relationship will be socially and legally tied in the bond of marriage. Nikita Sinha, the secretary of the organization, told that after Khunti, mass marriage programs have been decided at different places in Murhu and Karra blocks of this district. In this episode, in February-March this year, 1320 couples are to be married in Khunti and Gumla districts of Jharkhand.

What is the meaning of this practice?

The word dhuku means to cover or to penetrate. When a woman enters a man's house without getting married, that is, she starts living, then she is known as Dhukni and such couples are called Dhuku. The tribal society does not even allow such women to apply sindoor. Now voluntary organizations are busy in getting such relationships recognized.