Sports / Tokyo Olympics organisers say they want athletes to take 1.5L free condoms back home

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics committee is planning to distribute over 1,50,000 free condoms to 11,000 athletes. However, it insisted that athletes must socially distance. "Our intent and goal is not for athletes to use the condoms at the Olympic Village but to help with awareness by taking them back to their own countries," Japanese media quoted the committee.

Sports Desk: Tokyo Olympic Games, which will be held during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought another major restriction for the athletes among already many, which have been imposed on them. The latest restriction will test their resolve and discipline on another level.

Each of the participating 11,000 athletes from across the world will get around 14 condoms each, however, the organisers have advised not to use the 1,60,000 free condoms that will be provided in the duration of the games starting on July 23 in Japan capital.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will be distributing condoms as usual as they have been doing since the 1988 Seoul Olympics after the AIDS epidemic. However, instead of using them, they hope that they bring that back to their home countries as souvenirs.

"Our intent and goal is not for athletes to use the condoms at the Olympic Village, but to help with awareness by taking them back to their own countries,” the IOC said, as reported by Tokyo Sports.

In the guidelines issued in February, the athletes have been asked to maintain a distance of two metres from each other and also avoid physical contact from their fellow athletes including, handshakes and hugging. The athletes are also not permitted to leave the Olympic village and will be allowed only under special circumstances and the violations could lead to penalty.