Uttar Pradesh / Truck stuck on the track before passing the Presidential train President s train was delayed

An hour before the Kanpur-Lucknow presidential train passed, there was a stir on Monday morning when a mooring-laden truck got stuck at the Jaitipur railway crossing in Unnao. From the Railway Department to the administration, they put their full force in getting the truck removed from the track. The truck could be removed from the crossing with the help of police personnel and local people.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 28, 2021, 08:56 PM
Uttar Pradesh | An hour before the Kanpur-Lucknow presidential train passed, there was a stir on Monday morning when a mooring-laden truck got stuck at the Jaitipur railway crossing in Unnao. From the Railway Department to the administration, they put their full force in getting the truck removed from the track. The truck could be removed from the crossing with the help of police personnel and local people. Administrative officers and railway officials came to life after the truck was removed. However, there was no obstruction in the passing of the President's train as the truck got stuck. The President's train passed 19 minutes late.

Tight security arrangements were made at all the railway stations falling between Kanpur-Lucknow from Monday morning as part of the President's train passing program. Apart from GRP, RPF, civil police personnel were ready at every station, railway crossing, over bridge and foot over bridge. At 9.30 am, the overloaded truck got stuck while leaving at Jaitipur railway crossing number 16 due to malfunction. The police and the administration were furious on the information of the truck getting stuck on the track.

DM Ravindra Kumar, SP Anand Kulkarni and ASP Shashi Shekhar Singh came into action as soon as the information was received. A message was given to the Sohramau police station in-charge on the wireless set but there was no response. On the instructions of the officers, GRP and RPF and Asoha Inspector Raju Rao reached the spot. With the help of laborers, first got the truck unloaded and then got the tractor removed and the track cleared. During this, the advance pilot engine stopped at Kusumbhi railway station for some time. After the track was cleared, the advance pilot engine parked at Kusumbhi railway station could be dispatched to Jaitipur. A youth present at the spot was making a video of it but the police personnel snatched his mobile. The police have seized the documents by taking possession of the truck.

Presidential train passed through platform number three

After passing the Advance Special Engine first thing in the morning, the Presidential Special train was pulled out from the down track of Platform No. Ten minutes after the Presidential Special train passed, the backup train passed from behind. Administrative officers and police personnel heaved a sigh of relief after the three trains passed through the down track of the railway.

19 minutes late train

The Presidential Special train left Unnao railway station with a delay of about 19 minutes from the scheduled time of the President's departure from Kanpur to Lucknow. As per the schedule, Advance Pilot Engine departed from Unnao Railway Station at 10:25 instead of 10:05 and Presidential Special train at 10:48 instead of 10:29 and Backup Train at 10:58 instead of 10:35.