Country / 55 teams deployed in Delhi car shown anywhere outside the house encroachment on the road will break for sure

Principal Secretary Transport Commissioner Ashish Kundra told IANS, there are 55 teams of enforcement departments which are working to resolve such issues on the roads. We have updated a decentralized structure of Deputy Commissioners in three zones. One of their mandates is to ensure that there is no encroachment on the left side of the roads. This will be done with the help of traffic police.

The Delhi Transport Department is working on removing encroachments from the roads to ensure smooth movement of traffic in the national capital.

Principal Secretary Transport Commissioner Ashish Kundra told IANS, there are 55 teams of enforcement departments which are working to resolve such issues on the roads. We have updated a decentralized structure of Deputy Commissioners in three zones. One of their mandates is to ensure that there is no encroachment on the left side of the roads. This will be done with the help of traffic police.

“We recently had a high-level meeting to ensure that the lane dedicated to bus other heavy goods vehicles is not encroached upon, so that that part of the road becomes useful for motorized transport,” he said. We are cooperating with the traffic police.

About one-third of the city's streets are usually encroached upon by parked vehicles, street vendors, thereby wasting a significant amount of space for transport of all sizes, forced to move in the same lane. Huh. This slows down the traffic.

The Transport Department on Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IIT-Delhi's Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer to work jointly on road safety projects and policies in Delhi.

Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot inaugurated the Delhi Road Safety 2021 Summit at the Taj Mahal Hotel, along with a six-month social media campaign to raise awareness about it.

At the launch, the Minister shared the importance of timely scientific analysis to find out the causes of road accidents.

Gehlot said, with the help of scientific analysis at the time of the accident, we can find out what exactly caused the accident. We are in touch with Delhi Police, we have requested them to inform us whenever an accident happens so that the road member safety cell can check the site before removing the evidence. This will help us to find the cause of the accident by the driver, design or any other factor.

He said, the Delhi government has taken several steps to make the roads safer. The Automated Driving Test Track is a conscious step in that direction. If we can prepare sensitive sensible drivers, we can reduce the number of road accidents, most of which come from the economically weaker section of the society.