Viral News / A girl died after getting trapped by a balloon brought to her father's door

A girl is killed after being trapped in the door of a balloon brought by her father. In this case, the girl's parents have not been held guilty by the court for any accident and said that whatever happened, it was very accidental. Please tell that Malaysia Kailya Lemore died on 22 February 2020. This case caught the attention of the whole world.

London: A girl is killed after being trapped in the door of a balloon brought by her father. In this case, the girl's parents have not been held guilty by the court for any accident and said that whatever happened, it was very accidental. Please tell that Malaysia Kailya Lemore died on 22 February 2020. This case caught the attention of the whole world.

Family members should be more careful

According to the court's action, the case is from Salford, Greater Manchester. Here a girl named Malaysia Kailya Lemore was killed. The girl's throat was stuck with a thread attached to the balloon and the girl died by getting tangled in it. The girl's mother was working in the kitchen at the time of the accident. When she could not hear the baby's voice, she rushed to the room, where a thread was wrapped around her daughter's neck. The woman immediately removed Dori and sought medical help. However, the girl died in the meantime.

Why did the matter go to court?

According to the news of DailyMail, the matter caught fire after appearing in the media. After which investigation was started considering the case as suspect. Now the Bolton court has admitted that the child's parents were following her well. But accidentally the girl lost her life. In such a situation, the family will have to be more careful.