- England (United Kingdom),
- 09-Nov-2021 09:09 PM IST
London: Often you must have seen girls in shorts or short clothes in spite of the severe winter in parties and nightclubs. In the era of fashion, people are more concerned about their looks than their health. But do girls not feel cold even after wearing short clothes in the winter season? British scientists have discovered the answer to this question.Don't feel cold in short clothes?According to the news of 'The Mirror', it is freezing cold in Britain these days and everyone is trying to protect themselves from the cold with a jacket or coat. But despite this, some girls still refrain from wearing warm clothes during night out. So don't they feel cold even in less clothes? We tell you the scientific aspect behind it.A study has been published in the British Journal of Social Psychology, in which the answer to this question has been discovered. Roxai Felig, an author of the study, said that whenever one focuses on making oneself look good on the outside, then their everyday needs do not matter so much. She further states that she discovered the answer to this question while investigating Cardi B's claim in the year 2014.Women turn themselves into objectsFelig said that Cardi had said that she focused on looking good and in such a situation, she kept herself in clothes that made her feel cold. When a woman comes in the state of an object, in such a situation, from her heart beat to hunger and love, everything starts losing its importance. In this condition, she does not even try to recognize her inner state.For this work, the research team visited a club in Florida in the midst of a severe winter and talked to the women there. Along with this conversation, some pictures of him showing the body were also taken down, all this happened when the temperature there was only between 4 to 10 degrees. This research revealed that the woman who had paid more attention to self-objectification did not feel cold at all.how was the relationship with the skinEventually scientists came to the conclusion that women who projected themselves less as objects showed a stronger relationship with their skin and also felt cold. But on the contrary, women who were more focused on their looks and appearances, they did not feel the cold at all even in less clothes.