World / Biden was seen searching for PM Modi among many big leaders see Indias strength in the video

These days all the leaders of the world have gathered in Germany. During this all the leaders met each other. In such a situation, such a picture of the meeting of US President Joe Biden and Narendra Modi has come to the fore, seeing that the chest of Indians will widen with pride.It is seen in the video that Prime Minister Modi was meeting the Canadian PM.

These days all the leaders of the world have gathered in Germany. During this all the leaders met each other. In such a situation, such a picture of the meeting of US President Joe Biden and Narendra Modi has come to the fore, seeing that the chest of Indians will widen with pride.

Biden's eyes searching for Modi

It is seen in the video that Prime Minister Modi was meeting the Canadian PM. During this, the eyes of US President Joe Biden were looking for Indian PM Narendra Modi. In such a situation, Biden himself comes to PM Modi from behind and draws his attention by placing his hand on his shoulder.

Two friends meeting!

After this PM Modi turns back and the two top leaders meet warmly. After seeing Biden, Modi climbs up a ladder and meets Biden with his hand on his shoulder. Both the leaders were shaking hands and smiling. Seeing the video, it seems as if so many old friends have met.

Top leaders in Germany

Let us tell you that this time Germany is presiding over the G7 countries. The G-7 group is a group of seven richest countries in the world. This group includes Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US. Countries like Argentina, Indonesia, Senegal, South Africa have also been invited in this. US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macro, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and many other top leaders are present in this meeting.

India's growing stature in the world

This video is being shared fiercely on social media. People are writing that it is a symbol of India's growing stature. Whether it was the Russo-Ukraine war, the Kovid epidemic or any other international issue, India kept its stand at all places. India's unique image is also a big reason why Biden is seen giving so much importance to PM Modi. On the other hand, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan got tired of pleading for a minute to talk to Biden on the phone during his tenure, but the US did not even give him a sense.