Holi 2023 / Dhela MaarHoli is celebrated in this village, people come to see this years old tradition

Along with Holika Dahan, the whole atmosphere in Jharkhand has also become Holi. But according to years old tradition in Barhi Chatakpur village under Lohardaga district such Holi is being celebrated which is now discussed far and wide. According to the age-old tradition, earthen clods are showered in the midst of a competition to touch and uproot a special pillar buried in the village ground.

Holi Celebration 2023: Along with Holika Dahan, the whole atmosphere in Jharkhand has also become Holi. But according to years old tradition in Barhi Chatakpur village under Lohardaga district such Holi is being celebrated which is now discussed far and wide. According to the age-old tradition, earthen clods are showered in the midst of a competition to touch and uproot a special pillar buried in the village ground.

The village priest buries the pole in the ground

The tradition is that after the puja on the day of Holika Dahan, the village priest buries the pole in the ground and the next day all the people of the village gather to take part in the uprooting and pelting of stones. It is a belief that those who leave the fear of getting hurt by stones and proceed to uproot the peg, they get happiness and good luck. These people are considered to follow the path of truth.

The people of the village have to say that till date no one was seriously injured in this stone pelting Holi. The special thing is that the Muslims of the village also participate in this game. Now people from other districts have also started arriving in large numbers to see Dhela Mar Holi. There is no enmity behind this tradition of uprooting pegs and throwing lumps, rather people follow this tradition with the spirit of brotherhood like a game.

A large number of people come to see Holi

Manoranjan Prasad, an elderly resident of Lohardaga, says that in the last few years, a large number of people gather from nearby districts other than Lohardaga to see this Holi of Barhi Chatakpur, but only the people of this village are allowed to participate in it. . This tradition has been going on for hundreds of years.

He says that this tradition started as a joke with the sons-in-law who came to the village on Holi. The people of the village used to ask the sons-in-law to uproot the pillar and as a joke a lump was thrown at them. Later all the people of the village became a part of this game.