Viral News / Jihadi, who is attacking children in Burkina Faso, recently got the country's largest massacre done

Government of Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso) has said that in the beginning of this month, more than 130 people were killed (killed), the children of 12 to 14 years have carried out. Was In this attack, many innocent people of Sanghan village of Sanghan village were fried and many homes were set fire.

Ogadougou: Government of Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso) has said that in the beginning of this month, more than 130 people were killed (killed), the children of 12 to 14 years have carried out. Was In this attack, many innocent people of Sanghan village of Sanghan village were fried and many homes were set fire.

In this attack on June 4 in Burkina Faso, the jihadis used children as the attackers (Attackers). In order to execute this biggest massacre (Massacre) in the country, the attackers attacked at night. It was killed in the resident of Solhan village of Yaagah Province from Niger's border. The government had said in its statement that the attackers also burned the villages and the market.

Government spokesman Osney Tambaula said that most children were in the attackers. On the other hand, UNICEF's agency of the United Nations said in a statement on Thursday, "We strongly condemn by such armed groups to recruit children and adolescents. This is a serious violation of their fundamental rights. Despite the intervention of peaceful soldiers and international armed forces, the attack of Islamic extremists continues in the Sahel region of West Africa, including neighboring Mali and Niger.

Local officials said that the Jihadi organization has been attacking through children for the last one year, but the attack was the biggest attack so far.

Due to violence in Burkina Faso, 11.4 lakh people have to be displaced only in 2 years. According to Korin Dyukka, director of West Africa of Human Rights Watch, more than 500 people have been killed in the attack from January in the Sahel region after this new attack.