Viral News / Scientists' new claim about cannabis, these diseases of the brain will be treated

Ganja is not always used for drunk. There are also therapeutic advantages. Therefore, its intake is legally valid in many countries. In a new study, it has been revealed that if the small capsules of the ganja are given in the supervision of the doctor, many diseases related to the brain can be cured. There are such medical chemicals in the ganj, which can benefit the people struggling with difficulties like Alzheime

Ganja is not always used for drunk. There are also therapeutic advantages. Therefore, its intake is legally valid in many countries. In a new study, it has been revealed that if the small capsules of the ganja are given in the supervision of the doctor, many diseases related to the brain can be cured. There are such medical chemicals in the ganj, which can benefit the people struggling with difficulties like Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis and Tromatic Brain Injury.

The drug company named Genila Therapeutics (Zelira Therapeutics) has made small capsules of ganja. These capsules have cannabinoids, which you can eat. They dissolve rapidly and relieve the brain. Its tests have been done very successful on rats. While, its liquid i.e. the liquid form is not equally beneficial. This study has recently been published in the Plos One Journal.

Researcher of Curtin University Associate Professor and the researcher of the Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute said that with the help of Cabnabidiol, the work is going on in the world to recover brain related diseases. But it has the same problem. If it is given in the body in the body then it is not easily absorbed in the body. Creates acidity in the stomach. So we have made it to work easily in the new way.

Riu Takachi said that we have increased the ability to be an absorption. At the same time, its effect on the brain has done further. We have made its very small capsules, including natural bile acids. That is, it dissolves rapidly as soon as the capsule goes into the body. Immediately starts to relax the mind. Apart from this, it does not even have the problem of acidity. Now this drug is 40 times more fast and effective.

It has been completely successful on rats. Now Riyu Takachi wants to do its clinical trial on humans. So that its effect can be known. Xerilla theraputics drug company's CEO Dr. Oludier Odonosu said that working with Riu has got a lot of good results. The advantage of the capsule of the ganja is fast. It can help to fix brain diseases.

When the capsule filled with Canabidiol go to the body, its impact falls in a positive way. This will benefit the people who are struggling with difficulties like Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis and Tromatic Brain Engine. The best thing is that it is to eat capsules made from ganj. It is less to see that any drug of food is working better than liquid medicine. This is due to the benefit of the bile acid.

This study includes Curtin University, Chiri, Kartin University School of Population Health, University of Newcastle and University of Otago. Well, let us know that the use of chemicals coming out of the world is quite high in medical science. It also says Medical Marijuana. People suffering from cancer complain about restlessness and vomiting after chemotherapy. The drug made from the ganje advantage in it.

The appetite of the people suffering from Hav / AIDS from the drug made from the ganja is not over. It is also used to fix Chronic Pain and Muscle Spasm). For those who are depression, stress, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Touret Syndrome, Post-Tromatic Stress Disorder or Psychosis, also the drug made of ganja is beneficial.

However, there are some side effects using the use of ganja or her medicine. Like - lazy, fatigue or helplessness. But there is only for some time. The person becomes right back as soon as the impact of the drug. What is the loss of it for a long time, no matter has been seen yet. Although the scientists across the world are also studying its long loss.

If the medicine of the ganja or it is addiction to chemicals from its part, it can be great problem. Like - reduction, deteriorating cognitive attitude, Shizaphrenia etc. in young people. The use of ganja is not just for medicines. Use it to create biofus. Textile, cloth, hen also occurs for Milk, Hen Seed, Hen Oil. Ganja is coming from China to about 12 thousand years from China.

After alcohol, caffeine and tobacco is the most used ganja. Also for drunk It is believed that about 10 million Americans have definitely done it once. While 2.50 million Americans have been continuously using it for the last few years. Therefore, in some states of America and in many European countries it is legal recognition.

The effect of the ganja occurs at three levels. First - Primary Psychoactive i.e. you feel comfortable. If you take less quantity then Second is the secondary psychiactive i.e. you become pharmophysical. You start your self-esteem. This human brain is more serious and focused. This stage medication is given to those who stress. The third stage is - Tarashari Psychoactive i.e. it can be brightened by your heart and your hunger increases very much.