Haryana Board / Teachers caught checking 10th and 12th answer sheets at home, action will be taken against 10 teachers

Instead of checking the answer sheets of Haryana Board examinations in the marking center, about a dozen teachers were illegally taking the answer sheets home and checking them, Haryana Board chairman Jagbir Singh raided the marking center. The education department has been recommended for strict action against the accused teachers. Not only this, if any of the teachers caught made excuses for illness

Rohtak. Instead of checking the answer sheets of Haryana Board examinations in the marking center, about a dozen teachers were illegally taking the answer sheets home and checking them, Haryana Board chairman Jagbir Singh raided the marking center. The education department has been recommended for strict action against the accused teachers. Not only this, if any of the teachers caught made excuses for illness, then some started shedding tears. Not only this, the team of Haryana Board also did a rake of teachers for 2 hours before raiding. A marking center has been set up in Vaish School, Rehtak.

After the 10th and 12th class examinations of the Haryana Board, 39 marking centers have been set up in Haryana to check the 70th class examinations and 12th class examinations, but many irregularities were found in the marking center set up in Rohtak's Vaish College. After which Haryana Board Chairman Jagbir Singh conducted raids and found many irregularities.

Teacher was checking at home instead of answer sheet marking center

According to Jagbir Singh, about a dozen teachers-teachers were checking answer sheets not in the marking center but at home, which is completely illegal. The same board chairman Jagbir Singh has spoken of taking action against everyone. Jagbir Singh told that he was getting many complaints, after which the marking center was reckoned for about 2 hours before conducting the raid. It was found in this that there are many such teachers, who were carrying answer sheets with them at home, which is completely illegal, against them all the education department has been written. Action will be taken against them.

the crying teacher

At the same time, an accused teacher told that although it is illegal to take the answer sheet home, but she was ill. That's why she was checking the answer sheet by taking it home. However, the teacher cried in front of Jagbir Singh and spoke of committing such a mistake again. It is worth noting that today there is a Pragati rally of the Chief Minister in Rohtak, before which this raid has been done.