The case has been shocked in Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. Here the day of the bride was absconded with the bridal lover. In the evening when the procession reached the house of the girl, the event was informed. After this the bride and his boyfriend were started. The police caught the absconding bride and lover, but the water on all the arrows of the groom went back.This is the complete case of Varanasi's Chaudapur police station area. During the last day, the procession came from Jaunpur's Muftiaganj. During the meantime, the bride has absoluted with his lover. As soon as this information, the enthusiasm of the Betters was cold.When the lover of the bride, joined the house with a lover, the family members also feared to lose their respect, the groom's house was also batchen, that if the bride will go back, then what will be respected in his society. The bride was started looking for anxiety on both sides.Even after quite exploration, when there was nothing to know about the bride, the police was reported. Show the readiness in the case while the police took the bride with her boyfriend Suresh and grabbed the police station.At the same time, when the Baratas got information about this, the bride reached the police station and started crying and crying with the police to get married. In the end, the procession had to return to the police station.Incharge Rajesh Tripathi, Chubepur police station, said that he had filed a kidnapping case as a minor of the girl. The police has given the girl's medical and sent it to Jyoti Center, while the boyfriend has arrested.Housti came to Barati and the groom also came to the police station. The girl was seeking to leave, but it was not possible. Because the girl is a minor according to the family. The police is investigating the matter.