World / The woman asked the boss for 1 hour leave the company refused now the compensation of 2 crores will have to be paid

It is not easy for women to do a job with the responsibility of children. However, most companies do not pay attention to this argument. Something similar happened with a British company. This company refused to give one hour leave a day to one of its female employees, for which they had to pay compensation to the woman more than her annual package

It is not easy for women to do a job with the responsibility of children. However, most companies do not pay attention to this argument. Something similar happened with a British company. This company refused to give 1 hour leave a day to one of its female employees, for which they had to pay compensation to the woman more than her annual package.

According to the Daily Mail report, Alice Thompson was a sales manager in a real estate company based in London. He has a little girl. In such a situation, he had sought permission from his company to work 4 days a week till 5 pm instead of 6 pm. The company had rejected his point.

Boss rejects Thompson's talk

Alice Thompson told her boss about her problem and said that she has a small child, whom she leaves in childcare. Since that childcare closes at 5 pm, they should be discharged an hour earlier, 4 days a week. Rejecting Thompson's argument, the boss made it clear that finishing work an hour earlier would be considered a part-time job and he would not be given such leave. After the refusal of the British company Manors Estate, Alice Thompson had to leave her job.

Package was 1.2 crores, got compensation of 1.8 crores

Alice Thompson made this complaint to the Employment Tribunal, and Thompson accused the company of gender discrimination, saying that she did not want her daughter to suffer what she had to endure. The Tribunal, accepting the arguments of Alice Thompson, considered the behavior of the Manors Estate Company irresponsible and ordered to pay 181,000 pounds i.e. about 2 crore rupees as compensation. The tribunal clearly said in its judgment – ​​'Nursery usually closes at 5 pm, so it is completely wrong to force a mother to work till 6 pm'.