COVID-19 Update / Antibodies of corona present in more than 50 percent children of Mumbai, revealed in sero survey

The parents of the country are very scared about the potential third wave of Corona virus. In fact, many experts have feared that a large number of children can be influenced by Corona virus in the next wave, but the recent seer survey has been revealed that more than 50 percent of children living in Mumbai are present. .

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 29, 2021, 07:01 AM
The parents of the country are very scared about the potential third wave of Corona virus. In fact, many experts have feared that a large number of children can be influenced by Corona virus in the next wave, but the recent seer survey has been revealed that more than 50 percent of children living in Mumbai are present. . This seer survey on the children of the city has done BYL Nair Hospital and Kasturba Mallekular Diagnostic Lab.

After a few weeks in Maharashtra, the third wave of Kovid has been expressed. It has been said that this wave may have adverse effects on children. Keeping this in mind, BMC Commissioner IS Chahal and Adishal Municipal Commissioner (Western suburbs) Suresh Kakani had instructed to survey the children's survey during the second wave.

This seer survey was done during a April, 2021 to 15 June, 2021. Blood samples were made available from the samples in Labs for various medical examinations. A total of 2,176 blood samples were assembled from Pathology Labs of 24 wards of Mumbai. It includes 893 from the BMC's Open Medical Network and 1,283 and two private labs networks from Nair Hospital.

It was found primarily in this survey that the population of more than 50 percent of the city has already been infected with Corona virus. With 47.03% and 54.36% of the Public Sector, Over-All-Cero Positivity Rate is 51.18 percent. At the same time, the Cero Positivity is the highest in the age of 10-14 years, which is 53.43 percent.

At the same time, 51.04% of one to 4 years, 51.04%, 53.43% of the age of 10 to 9 years, 539% of 15 to 18 years. Apart from this, one-to-18-year over-all-positivity rate is 51.18%.

It is known that Maharashtra Corona has been one of the most affected states from the epidemic. During the second wave of Corona, the state has been found more than 60 thousand daily matters. However, now this number has come down to 10 thousand.