FD Rate / Better chance to open FD, after SBI, HDFC Bank increased interest rates, here's complete information

If you are planning to open a Fixed Deposit (FD), then this time you have a better chance. Both State Bank of India (SBI) and HDFC Bank have increased the interest rates on FDs. That is, now customers will get more benefit. SBI had increased interest rates in the past, while now HDFC has also increased them.

If you are planning to open a Fixed Deposit (FD), then this time you have a better chance. Both State Bank of India (SBI) and HDFC Bank have increased the interest rates on FDs. That is, now customers will get more benefit. SBI had increased interest rates in the past, while now HDFC has also increased them.

HDFC new interest rates

Complete information about the new rates has been provided on the HDFC Bank website. Accordingly, the bank has increased the interest rates by 5 to 10 basis points on FDs of less than Rs 2 crore. The new rates are applicable from February 14. The bank has increased the interest rate of 1-year FD by 10 basis points from 4.9 per cent to 5 per cent and for 3-year to 5 years by 5 basis points from 5.40 per cent to 5.45 per cent. Earlier, in January, the bank had reduced it to 5.2 per cent for tenures between 2 years 1 day and 3 years, 5.4 per cent for 3 years 1 day and 5 years and 5.6 per cent for 5 years 1 day and 10 years.

SBI made this change

SBI has recently increased the interest rates on FDs to 5.20 percent for a period of two to three years, while changing the interest rates of FDs. Rates have been increased to 5.45 per cent on FD deposits of 2 to 5 years. At the same time, for FD deposits with tenure of 5 to 10 years, the interest rates have been revised to 5.50 per cent. SBI has said that the revised interest rates will be applicable on fixed deposits of less than Rs 2 crore.

So much interest in central bank of india

Earlier, recently the Central Bank of India and UCO Bank have also increased the interest rates on FDs. If we look at the new interest rates of Central Bank of India, then 2.75 percent on 7 to 14 days FD, 2.90 percent on 15 to 45 days, 3.25 percent on 46 to 90 days, 3.80 percent on 91 to 179 days, 180 to 364 days But 4.25 percent, from 1 year to less than 2 years, 5 percent, from 2 years to less than 5 years, 5.10 percent, while the new interest rate on FDs from 5 years to 10 years has been made 5.15 percent.

UCO bank interest rates soar

Similarly, UCO Bank has also changed its interest rates on FDs of different tenors. After this change, the new interest rate on FDs of 7 to 29 days is 2.55 percent, 2.80 percent on 30 to 45 days, 3.55 percent on 46 to 90 days, 3.70 percent on 91 to 180 days, 4.40 percent on 181 to 364 days, 1 5.10 per cent on FDs with tenures up to one year, 5.10 per cent on FDs with tenures ranging from 1 year, 1 day to 3 years, 5.30 per cent on FDs with tenures ranging from 3 years, 1 day to less than 5 years, and 5 years and above. The interest rate on fixed deposits has been fixed at 5.10 percent.