Chiranjeevi Yojana / Chiranjeevi does not get expensive injections for cancer, the cheapest treatment also costs 25 lakhs

The pain of treatment is bigger than the merge. The Union for International Cancer Control's theme for this year's Cancer Day is 'Close the Care Gap'. That is, patients should get equal and good treatment. In Rajasthan, 80% patients are unable to buy third-fourth stage medicines. Cheapest treatment is also 25-30 lakh rupees.

Chiranjeevi Yojana: Cancer! The pain of treatment is bigger than the merge. The Union for International Cancer Control's theme for this year's Cancer Day is 'Close the Care Gap'. That is, patients should get equal and good treatment.

In Rajasthan, 80% patients are unable to buy third-fourth stage medicines. Cheapest treatment is also 25-30 lakh rupees. Of

The reason for this is the patent of medicines. Companies spend crores on research, then make arbitrary recovery. Patent is for 10 years.

During this time the other company cannot make that medicine. The other problem is Chiranjeevi doesn't have expensive injections.

Theme of Cancer Day- May every victim get good treatment; But the prices of medicine from 'patent'.....

According to the report of the National Cancer Registry Program, ICMR, from 2020 to 2022, there is an increase of about 2 thousand cancer patients every year.

There were 70 thousand 987 patients in 2020, whereas in 2021, 72 thousand 825 and in 2022, 74 thousand 725 patients were registered.

Anila Kothari, Senior Chairperson, BMCHRC, says that it has been our experience for 25 years that people reach cancer hospitals in an advanced stage of the disease due to lack of awareness and lack of testing facilities. BMCHRC and Cancer Care have launched the campaign 'Cancer Check Your Doorstep'.

Dr. Kumar Prabhash of Tata Memorial Hospital says that research on medicine should be increased. It is not necessary that the dose which is in the market should be given in the same way.

If someone's dose is 200 mg, then use 20 or 40 mg instead and change the schedule.

Compulsory license was obtained only once, then 2.80 lakh medicine was found in 8800

Compulsory license was issued in the country only in 2012. This was for Bemers' sorafenib tosylate for late-stage lung cancer.

In this, the cost of the medicine came down from Rs 2,80,000 to Rs 8,800. India's patent laws allow any drug, patent or non-patent, to be produced and made available at an affordable cost through a compulsory license.

An injection of Rs 3.60 lakh was done, but the money was not reimbursed


Ram Avtar, 62, is a patient of lung cancer. He had to get expensive injections. The doctors prescribed atezolizumab. Its cost was Rs 3.60 lakh. The name of this injection is not there in the reimbursement list.


Amrita (36) had ovarian cancer. The disease was detected in the fourth stage. Due to non-availability of medicines on time, he had to undergo treatment at Tata Memorial Mumbai. Cancer spread in the body due to delay in treatment. He died even after a lot of treatment.

75-80 thousand rupees are needed for the investigations. Genetic and molecular tests are done in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Delhi.

Even minor surgery costs 1.50 to 2 lakh rupees and radiotherapy costs 60 thousand to 3.60 lakh. Chemotherapy takes 6000 to 5 lakh injections.

Some injections are given every 22 days and for a whole year. The cost of 10 injections comes up to 50 lakhs.

Eye cancer spreading among children

Now more than 60 children are falling prey to it every month in Rajasthan

On World Cancer Day, reports have come out to open the eyes of children. Children mostly (in 90 percent) have two types of cancer.

These include blood cancer and eye cancer. The surprising thing is that due to lack of information, parents and relatives do not get to know about the initial symptoms of 70 percent of the children and in about 65 percent the cancer reaches the third to fourth stage.

Most people do not get to know the symptoms of this cancer and they reach the third and fourth stage. There is a need for a lot of awareness in such a situation. Special report on cancer came on World Cancer Day.

lack of awareness; 65% are detected in the third stage

The biggest reason for eye cancer is genetic. Squint in the eye, the white of the pupil, as the cat's eye shines, in the same way the black pupil of the child starts shining white. The size of the eye starts getting bigger. If the disease is detected on time, 90 percent of eye cancer can be cured.

Government and medical department do not have data

Government-Medical department does not have data related to eye cancer in children. When Bhaskar spoke to ophthalmologists, it came to light that eye cancer is being diagnosed in more than 60 children every month. There are 5500 such children across the country.

Earlier the eye had to be removed, now it is not so

Eye cancer is curable. Earlier it was difficult to save eyesight in cancer and the whole eye had to be removed, now it can be saved. Provided that of which stage the cancer is. Experts say – Chemotherapy can cure up to 90 percent of eye cancer.

Modern techniques include intra-arterial chemotherapy, in which a catheter is passed through the femoral vein through the heart to the vein of the eye. After this chemo is given. Giving chemo with this technique is very expensive and one sitting costs only two lakh rupees. At least three times the patient has to be given. That is, the expenditure of at least six lakh rupees comes in this technique.