Rajasthan / Lost son in Corona, after a year mother-in-law got daughter-in-law married, gave FD of 2.10 lakh in Shagun

In Sikar district of Rajasthan, mother-in-law got her daughter-in-law married. He decorated his daughter-in-law like a daughter and performed all the rituals and gave Kanyadaan. As an omen, he has also given an FD of 2.10 lakhs to his daughter-in-law. Let us know the story of this marriage which became a new example for the society.

In Sikar district of Rajasthan, mother-in-law got her daughter-in-law married. He decorated his daughter-in-law like a daughter and performed all the rituals and gave Kanyadaan. As an omen, he has also given an FD of 2.10 lakhs to his daughter-in-law. Let us know the story of this marriage which became a new example for the society.

Actually, it is from 2003. Mukesh Soni, son of Ramesh Soni, a resident of Pushpnagar, Shrimadhopur, was married to Pooja. Pooja is the daughter of Lord Shiva, who lives in Losal area. Mukesh was hit by the Corona epidemic last year. He died after a few days of treatment. Since then, Pooja started staying calm. In such a situation, the mother-in-law asked her daughter-in-law to make a new beginning, and started looking for a boy for her marriage.

A few days later, through acquaintances, Pooja's father-in-law, Ramesh Soni, met Nagarmal Soni, a resident of Jaipur. His son Kailash's wife also passed away last year. After discussing among themselves, the family members got Pooja and Kailash to meet.

On Tuesday, Swami Raghavacharya performed the marriage of Kailash and Pooja at Janaki Nath temple in Raivasa Dham of Sikar. The wedding was organized in a simple manner. Only the people of both the families participated in it. During Kanyadan, Pooja's mother-in-law and father-in-law gave her an FD of 2.10 lakhs as an omen. Pooja also has a one year old daughter. She will stay with her mother.