Awadhesh Rai Murder Case / The case diary had disappeared, yet Mukhtar Ansari was not spared from life imprisonment

Mafia don Mukhtar Ansari, who was already serving a 10-year sentence in one case, has now been convicted in the Awadhesh Rai murder case as well. In this case, on Monday (5 June 2023 shortly before now), the sentence of life imprisonment was fixed. This is the same Congress leader Awadhesh Rai murder case that took place 32 years ago on August 3, 1991 in Varanasi, whose Mukhtar Ansari gang made even the original

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 05, 2023, 06:34 PM
Awadhesh Rai Murder Case: Mafia don Mukhtar Ansari, who was already serving a 10-year sentence in one case, has now been convicted in the Awadhesh Rai murder case as well. In this case, on Monday (5 June 2023 shortly before now), the sentence of life imprisonment was fixed. This is the same Congress leader Awadhesh Rai murder case that took place 32 years ago on August 3, 1991 in Varanasi, whose Mukhtar Ansari gang made even the original case diary disappear from the court. When this was revealed in the last year (June 2022), it was shaken from the court to the Sultanate of the state and the UP Police Department. However, let us know that after being sentenced to life imprisonment, what did the former overbearing police officers say, who are chasing this Mukhtar Ansari? Someone said that what Mukhtar Ansari was capable of, he is doing everything by coming with the whip of the law in the same way. To which he was rightfully entitled.

Some police officers had an exclusive conversation with TV9 after the MP MLA court sentenced them. Said, “This is called razing the mafia to the ground. Right now the numbers of Atiq Ashraf and Mukhtar Ansari have been dialed. Looking ahead, if the state government continues to move forward on this line, then the condition of other mafias will be worse than these. On Monday (June 5, 2023), in a special conversation with TV9, Dr. Vikram Singh, former IPS officer of the 1974 batch and retired DGP of UP, said, “Mukhtar Ansari now feels It must have happened that the world of crime does not bring havoc only for its victims. Mukhtar Ansari's bullying becomes the reason for the destruction of street goons, miscreants, mafias as well.

Punishment without case diary

Vikram Singh further says that, “This is the same case in which, in a misunderstanding to save his neck from the clutches of the law and punishment, this same Mukhtar Ansari made the case diary disappear from the court. Even after this, the court sentenced the culprit to life imprisonment, giving the reason for the investigation of the police present in the case. This is a matter of pride for the court. It is a matter of great honor for the investigation agency (UP Police) to be sentenced to life imprisonment in such a case without the availability of the case diary.

Reacting immediately after the court's conviction of mafia don Mukhtar Ansari on Monday, former 1998 batch IPS officer and retired IG Intelligence (UP Police) RK Chaturvedi said, "The whip of law meted out miscreants to Mukhtar Ansari, perfect justice." doing. By killing unknown number of people like Awadhesh Rai, street scoundrels from Mukhtar must have established their criminal empire today. The walls standing on the brick and mortar of blood collapse in the same way as the condition of Mukhtar Ansari has happened now.

Mukhtar got what he deserves

In response to a question, RK Chaturvedi said, “I am surprised to see and hear the historic decision of the court in this case, that Mukhtar Ansari had made the original case diary related to the case disappear from the court. Even after this, the court, giving special importance to all the other points of the police investigation, fixed such severe punishment for the criminals. It is rarely seen that during the trial of a case, the case diary itself disappears. In that, the convict should have been sentenced to life imprisonment by the court, without any comment on the investigating agency. Salute to such a court and the judge. ,

Mukhtar Ansari, who once used to consider himself disrespectful in respecting police and law, must have realized today that, always khaki and law is above. Not the crime or the criminal. Today, on hearing the sentence of life imprisonment, all the misunderstandings of Mukhtar Ahmed and Badmash Company of the last thirty-thirty-five years would have been removed. Mukhtar's life imprisonment in the Awadhesh Rai murder case must have made him understand that the place of scoundrels is not in the society, but in the bars of the jail.

DSP was jailed for not removing POTA

Shailendra Singh, the then Deputy SP of UP Police STF, who once fed water to this Mukhtar, said, “I had taken the palm in the year 2004 itself when I seized a deadly weapon like LMG from Mukhtar Ansari's goons and caught them alive. In that case, when I imposed a stringent law like POTA on this Mukhtar Ansari, the then state government (during Mulayam Singh's chief ministership in UP) was shocked. The then Chief Minister wanted me to remove the POTA Act at any cost because of being Deputy SP STF. When I refused, the state government arrested me and put me in jail.

Even in those troubles, I did not kneel down in front of the ridiculous government of the state, fearing this Mukhtar Ansari. And forever and ever it was approved to throw off the khaki uniform of Deputy SP with silver badges and stars on his shoulder. Today Mukhtar has been sentenced to life imprisonment in the Awadhesh murder case. Mukhtar Ansari can be pompous. There may be delay in taking decision in the temple of law. But the decision is always in the interest of the victim. The same has come to the fore today after Mukhtar Ansari was sentenced to life imprisonment. ,

Awadhesh was killed in front of brother Ajay Rai

When it comes to the Awadhesh Rai murder case, it is important to know that Congress leader Awadhesh Rai was murdered in the presence of his brother Ajay Rai, at the entrance of the house. That fateful date was August 3, 1991. It was drizzling lightly on the day Awadhesh Rai was killed. That's why many people in a car reached Awadhesh's house (Chetganj police station, Varanasi). They were all armed. By the time Ajay Rai could understand anything, the killers had made a clean escape after roasting his brother Awadhesh with bullets.

The Awadhesh massacre, which took place in broad daylight at a distance of a few furlongs from the Chetganj police station in Varanasi, had exposed the lax law and order situation of the state police and the then government. So that ironic-adventurous murder had made today's mafia don Mukhtar Ansari, who was in the category of a novice at that time, achieve a new position in the life-world of Jarayam. Until the incident of execution of the Awadhesh murder case, the murder of a contractor of Adad Mandi (in the year 1988) was written on Mukhtar's head, after that the Awadhesh murder case established Mukhtar's foot in the crime world even more firmly. .

The target was already fixed

It is noteworthy here that the eyewitness of the Awadhesh murder case is also his brother and Congress leader Ajay Rai. Ajay Rai was standing and talking with Awadhesh at the time of the incident. In that shootout, he was narrowly saved from facing an untimely death. The way the attack took place, the police and eyewitnesses who reached the spot had guessed that the 'target' of the attackers on 3 August 1991 was only and only Awadhesh Rai. If the killers had to target Ajay Rai as well, they could have shot him too, but the assailants deliberately killed Ajay Rai (brother of Awadhesh Rai, and the incident took place) despite being in their range on that fateful day. K's eyewitness) did not fire bullets on him.

Later, Ajay Rai, the eyewitness to the murder of brother Awadhesh Rai and his brother Ajay Rai, had filed a case of the incident at Chetganj police station in Varanasi. In which the name of mafia don Mukhtar was written as the main accused. Retired Deputy SP of UP Police Surendra Singh Laur (Deputy SP UP Police SS Laur) said, “Yes, it is certain that it will take 31 days to get a verdict in this murder case. The 32 years it took is serious. But on the adage that late is better, still the court has sentenced life imprisonment to mafia don Mukhtar Ansari, the culprit of this three-decade-old murder case. So no one can say that the law of the land is blind and deaf.