World News / The world stood with India on Taliban, PM Modi's words in the United Nations General Assembly were sealed

When the Taliban were doing orgy in Afghanistan and democracy was being throttled in front of the whole world, then all the countries were silent. Taking advantage of this, Taliban terrorists also formed the government in Afghanistan and ousted the elected government from power. But the whole world remained silent on this. Only India openly opposed the Taliban.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Nov 11, 2022, 11:45 AM
World News: When the Taliban were doing orgy in Afghanistan and democracy was being throttled in front of the whole world, then all the countries were silent. Taking advantage of this, Taliban terrorists also formed the government in Afghanistan and ousted the elected government from power. But the whole world remained silent on this. Only India openly opposed the Taliban. PM Modi had described Taliban rule in Afghanistan as a threat to the whole world. Of late, but finally the whole world has realized the reality today, which was told by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi years ago. That is why all the countries of the world passed a resolution against the Taliban in the United Nations General Assembly. Due to this, the earlier things said by PM Modi also got a stamp.

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution on Thursday accusing the Taliban of violating the human rights of Afghan women and girls. It has accused the Taliban of failing to establish a representative government and putting the country in a "serious economic, humanitarian and social situation". The resolution also referred to the continuing violence in the country since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan 15 months ago and to terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State, as well as "foreign terrorist fighters".

Resolution passed by 116 votes in 193-member assembly

Germany's ambassador to the United Nations, Antje Leindertse, had expressed hope that the 193-member General Assembly would unanimously pass the resolution proposed by Germany. Eventually that happened and the proposal was approved by 116 members. Ten countries, including Russia, China, Belarus, Burundi, North Korea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Nicaragua, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, abstained from voting on the resolution. Thus 67 countries did not vote. General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding compared to the Security Council, but they reflect the world's opinion. Ahead of the vote, the German ambassador told the General Assembly that Afghanistan has seen a "massive economic and humanitarian crisis" since the Taliban came to power in August 2021, leaving half the population facing "severe food insecurity". has been The resolution expresses deep concern over the violation of human rights, including sexual violence against women and girls.

Pakistan, China, Russia and North Korea seen standing with Taliban

India voted openly against the Taliban and in favor of the resolution, but 67 countries of the world, including Pakistan, China, Russia and North Korea, voted to stand with Afghanistan. Despite this, the resolution against the Taliban was passed with an overwhelming majority. As soon as the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, India had expressed the possibility of their alliance with dreaded terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, Islamic State, Haqqani Network. Due to this, there was also apprehension about increasing terrorism in the whole world. Somewhere in the resolution passed against the Taliban, the same things said by India have been accepted as true. This is a big victory for India in a way.