Shraddha Murder Case / These 50 questions can be asked to accused Aftab in narco test, see list

Aftab, an accused in the Shraddha murder case, will be subjected to a narco test at Ambedkar Hospital in Delhi. Through this test, the police will be able to know the truth which Aftab has hidden from everyone till now. Please tell that on November 17, the court had ordered to complete the narco test within 5 days, in such a situation, this test will have to be done within 3 days. Significantly

Shraddha Murder Case: Aftab, an accused in the Shraddha murder case, will be subjected to a narco test at Ambedkar Hospital in Delhi. Through this test, the police will be able to know the truth which Aftab has hidden from everyone till now. Please tell that on November 17, the court had ordered to complete the narco test within 5 days, in such a situation, this test will have to be done within 3 days. Significantly, Aftab is giving roundabout answers on many issues and he also turns away from many things. In such a situation, narco test is the only way through which the world will be able to know the truth.

What is narco test?

Narco test is a type of anesthesia in which the person is neither completely conscious nor completely unconscious. Narco test can be done only when the person has given consent for it. This test is done when the truth in a case is not known. Through this test the truth can be extracted from the accused. This test is done only on the accused in criminal cases. There is also a scope in this that the person may not tell the truth even during the narco test. In this test, the person is given truth serum injection. Scientifically, medicines like sodium pentothal, scopolamine and sodium amytal are given for this test. During this, by interfering in the nervous system of a person at the molecular level, his inhibitions are reduced. Due to which a person naturally starts speaking the truth.

Possible questions asked in narco test-

  • What is your full name?
  • What is your date of birth?
  • Where are you from?
  • what is your home address?
  • What is your parents name?
  • Which profession are you in?
  • Do you know Shraddha Walker?
  • Where was Shraddha supposed to live?
  • Where did you two meet?
  • How do you know Shraddha?
  • Did you have to visit Shraddha's house as well?
  • How was your relationship?
  • How long were you two living together?
  • Were Shraddha's family members happy with your relationship?
  • Were your family members happy with the relationship between the two?
  • Where did you live in Mumbai?
  • Did you fight with Shraddha in Mumbai in November 2020?
  • What was the reason for the fight?
  • When did you both leave Mumbai?
  • Where did you go first after leaving Mumbai?
  • When did you reach Delhi?
  • Where did you stay in Delhi?
  • On which day did you shift to Mehrauli's house?
  • What happened on 18th May?
  • Did you two have a fight?
  • What was the fight over?
  • What happened in the room?
  • why were you angry
  • Did you kill Shraddha?
  • were you intoxicated at that time?
  • How did you kill?
  • What did you do after killing Shraddha?
  • Did you study on the internet to dispose of the dead body?
  • did you dismember the corpse?
  • How many pieces did the dead body do?
  • From where did you buy the weapons to cut Shraddha's dead body into pieces?
  • Did you use the same weapon to dismember the corpse?
  • Where did you buy the fridge from?
  • Where did you throw the pieces of Shraddha's dead body?
  • Where is Shraddha's mobile phone?
  • Where are the clothes you and Shraddha wore on the day of the murder?
  • Where did you throw the weapon?
  • For how long did you keep throwing the pieces of the dead body in the forest?
  • Where did you get the idea of ​​throwing the dead body in the forest?
  • After Shraddha's murder, did you bring other girls to the house as well?
  •  How did you get to know those girls?
  • Did you tell your family or anyone about Shraddha's murder?
  • Who is the girl you brought home after killing Shraddha?
  • Did you plan to kill Shraddha a few days ago?
  • Did you rent this house just to commit murder?
How is narco test done

The narco test is conducted in the presence of the investigating officer, psychologist, doctor and forensic expert. During this, the investigating officer asks questions to the accused and its video recording is done. A narco test is a testing procedure in which a person is administered a psychoactive drug known as the truth drug. As soon as the drug reaches the blood, the accused reaches a state of semi-consciousness. However, in some cases, an injection of sodium pentothol is also given. Investigation got a new direction from the narco test of stamp scam accused Abdul Karim Telgi and Mumbai attack terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab. Now there are hopes of getting evidence from this test in the Shraddha murder case as well.