Rajasthan / Alwar, gangster Pappala Gurjar's girlfriend lives, released from jail, gave shocking statement

After getting bail from the High Court of the infamous Badmash Papala, the infamous Badmash Papala, from the Bahrod Jail of Alwar district, was released from Alwar Jail on Wednesday evening. After being released from Alwar central carefully, Jia said that Papala was a resident of Delhi and came to him and came to train him in the gym.

Alwar. After getting bail from the High Court of the infamous Badmash Papala, the infamous Badmash Papala, from the Bahrod Jail of Alwar district, was released from Alwar Jail on Wednesday evening. After being released from Alwar central carefully, Jia said that Papala was a resident of Delhi and came to him and came to train him in the gym. Jia said that there is no connection with her Papala. Jia refused to talk about her girlfriends and transfer money. As soon as I came out of jail, Jia has started crying.

Father Chand Siklagar came to Alwar took to the daughter. He said that Gangster Pappala had trapped himself a daughter by telling him the Royal Family. He ruined my daughter's life. He was such a big gangster, it was not a bit like a bit. I had once talked on the phone. Do not understand where to see the second relationship for your daughter now? Now who will marry him. The father also told that Pappala had told the Jim Trainer daughter that he would open a new gym. Let me tell that Jia's father is a doctor from the profession. Mother is housewife. Jia has two sisters. You are still reading. Jia's first businessman was married. It was divorced.

On Tuesday, Jia got bail from the High Court on Tuesday. First of all, by taking the order of bail, his lawyer reached Alwar from Baharod police station. On 28th January, the police had arrested Jia with Papala from Kolhapur of Maharashtra. After that he was in police custody first 7 days. On February 4

The court sent jail. She remained in jail about 2 months 4 days. Jia's lawyer Ankit Garg had told that bail from the High Court has also received on the basis of how unconscious living with someone, how can he be criminal? He did not know that Papala is an absconding gangster. He himself

Businessman was told.

According to the lawyer, Jia Kolhapur was Jim Trainer. Papala Gujjar also started going in the same gym. Both were met on December 13. The closer in both of them increased. Papala had told that he has come in connection with business. Because of Lockdown, he is still stopped here. During this time Jia Pappala

Stretched in Premjal

Advocate Ankit Garg said that before coming into contact with Jia, Papala had made a fake card card. Dogs were given to the landlord, so Jia has accused the charge of making a base card. Papala had built a fake base card in the name of a person in Bharatpur. He himself

Man Singh was told. Later, the landlord and Jia told that he loves all the values ​​in the house. Man Singh Name is like Royal Family. By thinking that he had told this name.