Country / Do you also not send a good morning message every morning Such harm to the world

The habit of the people of India to send good morning messages on WhatsApp every morning slows down the internet all over the world. IT experts from all over the world were trying to find out why the Internet becomes slow in the world at a particular time. During this, he came to know that crores of people of India have a habit of saying good morning and good morning behind this.

Many times the children of the house teach the elders of the house to use apps like Whatsapp. But they are unable to tell them which messages not to forward. Then gradually this process of forwarding anything in the name of the message turns into an epidemic.

The habit of the people of India to send good morning messages on WhatsApp every morning slows down the internet all over the world. IT experts from all over the world were trying to find out why the internet becomes slow in the world at a particular time. During this he came to know that behind this, crores of people of India have a habit of saying good morning and good morning.

As soon as you wake up this morning, when you must have picked up your mobile phone and checked WhatsApp, then you must have also received good morning messages in some family or group of friends or you must have sent similar messages to others in which flowers have never been used for leaves. In the middle, sometimes with a smiling little child or with some inspirational thought, the message of Good Morning must have been written. Every day crores of people in India send similar good morning messages to each other on WhatsApp in different ways.

Your hand in internet jam!

But do you know that these countless messages of good morning jam the internet. You must have noticed that when you run internet on your mobile phone, sometimes the speed of internet becomes slow and it takes a lot of time to load what you are searching. This happens to people all over the world. IT experts around the world were tired of solving this puzzle. But eventually it was found that crores of Indians sending good morning messages to each other are responsible for this.

what do the figures say

About 400 million people use Whatsapp in India and when these crores of people send good morning messages to each other early in the morning, then there is a flood of these messages and the internet's badwidth starts decreasing all over the world i.e. the internet of the world. Could not bear this burden given by Indians.

In the last 5 years in India, the number of people looking for pictures of good morning messages on the Internet has increased 10 times and the number of people who download them has increased 9 times. All these pictures are downloaded in your mobile phone and the storage of your mobile phone is also full.

One way to avoid this problem is that you use such apps that delete unwanted pictures and messages present in your mobile phone at once. Another way is to go deeper into the problem.

The math of 'good morning'

In India these messages of good morning are often sent by older people.. These people sometimes feel lonely and social media becomes the only way for them to connect with the outside world and first of all these good morning messages. Only work.

Many times the elders of the house are unable to come out due to poor health or sometimes their family is far away from them. In such a situation, only the Internet and social media support them. These people search for a message on the Internet, then forward it to many people and then those who get these messages also forward them, that is, a message gets converted into millions of messages by the time it is forwarded. Many times it also happens that people living in the same family do not even talk to each other but do send good morning messages to each other on the family group.

habit of spreading fake news

This epidemic of sending messages sometimes also becomes a medium for spreading fake news. Through this, propaganda videos are also spread and sometimes hate. These different types of messages together create bitterness in the society and also become the reason for traffic jam on the internet.

By the way, it is a matter of fun that the big hackers of the world have to put a lot of brains to slow down the internet, hackers of countries like North Korea and Russia work hard day and night for this. But the people of India jam the internet just by sending good morning messages.

how to avoid internet addiction

This addiction of social media and internet has been taken from the children of the house to the elders. The elders of the house who keep fasting on festivals very easily but are unable to do digital fasting i.e. most of the people are unable to stay away from their mobile phones or digital gadgets even for a few hours.

Have you ever thought that it is easy to control the tongue during fasting but why is it not easy to control the fingers running on the smartphone in today's era? Behind this is Dopamine (Dopamine). This is the chemical made in the brain that gives you a feeling of happiness. When you use social media on a smartphone or play a video game, your brain releases Dopamine. Now because Dopamine makes you feel happy, so you start using your mobile phone more and more.

Dopamine is the chemical that creates in your mind the desire to buy something you like, eat something you like or go to a favorite place. That is, this is the chemical due to which you keep running for the fulfillment of your desires throughout your life.

Just do one more profile check on social media, see some more pictures, watch one more video and just watch this last episode of web series. These never ending desires are born from Dopamine. But even when you do all this, the emptiness inside does not fill and you start doing the same thing again. Then this frustration of not being able to find happiness turns into stress, depression and depression. If you go to a doctor or a psychologist, he will prescribe you some medicines. But even these drugs are not able to completely control this ruler named Dopamine and the illusion of the digital world keeps on confusing you.

Now psychologists around the world have started to believe that there is a way to avoid it. Dopamine Detox or Dopamine Fast. Under this, distance has to be made from all those things which are responsible for Dopamine. During this fast, desires do not control you, rather you control the desires.

For this, you have to first make a list of those things whose greed or craving bothers you the most. It can also be your smartphone, it can also be your social media accounts. There may also be some food and drink which is harmful for you, but still you eat or drink them again and again, apart from this, you can also put the habit of watching porn movies and shopping excessively in this list. Huh.

How to become a digital monk?

After this you have to distance yourself from all these things for some time. You can also call it digital retirement. The only difference is that sannyasins break their sannyas on very few occasions but you can return to the digital world after controlling your habits and by doing so you will find that now your mobile phone is not your owner but you Mobile phone owner. You must have noticed that in Hinduism, sannyasis are called Swami. Swami means owner. When a person becomes a sannyasin, material things do not distract him, but a sannyasin is the master of his desires.