President Election 2022 / Give green ballot to MP and Pink ballot to MLA for voting; Know the reason

Voting for Presidential Election 2022 will start from 10 am today (Monday) till 5 pm. NDA's candidate Draupadi Murmu is being challenged by the joint candidate of the opposition Yashwant Sinha. Before voting, know that under what process voting takes place in the Presidential Election?

Voting for Presidential Election 2022 will start from 10 am today (Monday) till 5 pm. NDA's candidate Draupadi Murmu is being challenged by the joint candidate of the opposition Yashwant Sinha. Before voting, know that under what process voting takes place in the Presidential Election? Why are EVMs not used in Presidential elections and also why MPs are given green and MLAs are given pink ballot papers for voting? What is the reason behind this?

Voting takes place under this process in the presidential election

Know that the presidential election is held according to the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. According to the system of proportional representation, by means of the single transferable vote, each elector can register as many preferences as the number of candidates contesting the election. These preferences are marked for the candidates by the elector by placing the numbers 1,2,3, 4, 5 and so on against the names of the candidates in the space provided in column 2 of the ballot paper.

Why EVMs are not used in Presidential elections?

It is worth noting that for this reason EVMs are not used in President, Vice President, Rajya Sabha and Legislative Council elections. Actually EVM is based on a technology in which it works to collect votes in direct elections like Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha. Voters press the button against the name of the candidate of their choice and the one who gets the most votes is declared the winner.

Why are different colored ballots given to MPs and MLAs?

According to the instructions of the Election Commission, during the voting under the Presidential election, the MPs and MLAs are given different colored ballot papers. MPs get green and MLAs get pink colored ballot papers. This is done so that it is easy for the returning officers to count the votes during the counting.

Let us tell you that in order to maintain the secrecy of voting, the Election Commission has provided a special type of pen with purple ink to the returning officer and voters in the presidential election to mark their ballots.