- India,
- 05-Jun-2021 07:05 AM IST
Jaipur. After the debt system, the state government has given great relief to the disadvantaged periods of deprived loans. Now these farmers will also find interest free Crop Loan. With this decision of the state government, more than 7 lakh farmers will benefit. Appearing Minister Udayal Ajana said that in the year 2018 and 2019, such a farmers who had outstanding debt of more than Rs. 5 thousand rupees were outstanding and who did not currently have a loan no loan. Was being given Farmers were facing problems due to not getting cropped loans. Now the state government has been decided to provide cropped loans by adding these farmers with the short-term credit facility from Kharif 2021 crops.Get loan up to 25 thousandAccording to cooperative minister Udayal Ajana, such a farmer will now get a loan of 25 thousand rupees or the lesser amount of credit. Crop loan will be provided through District Central Cooperative Banks. Cooperative Minister said that on the basis of liquidity of the banks, the amount of loan will be increased in the upcoming cropped cycles. Significantly, the committee was formed under the chairmanship of additional registrars to bring such farmers to the scope of crop loan. Ajana said that all the farmers have the priority of the State Government to facilitate interest free loan. So far, farmers with outstanding loans less than 5 thousand rupees were being given cropped loans. Now the government's decision has come under the scope of all farmers cooperative cropped loans.Therefore the problem was comingDebt was done twice in the state. In the year 2018, there was a loan in Gehlot rule in Vasundhara rule and in 2019. The entire debt of most farmers were forgiven in debt. The state government has paid the amount of debt to cooperative banks. The amount of farmers who were running the loan was also given to the banks by the state government and thus the farmers were free. But cooperative banks stopped paying loans again to the indebted farmers. The farmer organization was constantly taking the voice of providing interest free credit to these farmers who have now been assumed.