Rape in Ajmer / In the name of removing the shadow of the ghost, the tantrik raped the girl, the parents kept chanting the mantra outside the room.

A tantrik has been accused of rape by a girl from Ajmer. The tantrik raped the girl in the name of removing the death defects and ghosts in the house and the parents kept on chanting the mantras at the door of the room.

Additional SP Vikas Sangwan said that on March 19, the 22-year-old victim reported to the police station that they had gone to Delhi for a relative's wedding, where her father's maternal uncle introduced Rajendra Singh, an impostor tantrik, and told that this wonderful and miraculous Baba After listening to whom his father told him all his problems, then that Baba trapped his father in his words. To solve the problems and exorcise the house, asked for 1 lakh rupees as the first installment.

Intimidated by telling death blame and ghost in the house

Additional SP said that the victim told in the complaint that on February 22 and 23, the hypocrite tantrik Baba came home and threatened that there was a death defect in the house. A dangerous ghost also lives there. Due to which the younger daughter, father and then showed the fear of her death and told to take measures. The family members came in the words of Rajendra Tantrik Baba and made Baba stay at home for four to five days. The victim told that on February 27, Baba said that it is necessary for your elder child to attend the worship.

It is a dirty bull, raped by saying that she will go in a dirty way

Additional SP Vikas Sangwan told that blindly believing the words of the tantrik and being scared and scared, the family members sent the victim to the top floor alone with her. Baba took advantage of being alone with him and started forcing him and when he refused, he said that worship is like this. There is a dirty bull in your house and inside you and it will go in a dirty way. If this worship is not done then soon your parents will also die. Due to which the victim got scared and taking advantage of this fear, Rajendra Baba raped her. After this, the accused also raped in Dharamshala of Morena's temple.

When I heard the incident, the police caught

Additional SP Vikas Sangwan said that on March 19, the victim ran to the police station and told that Baba has come home and there is a full apprehension that if she goes home today, she will rape and exploit her. On this the police registered a case and started investigation. The police arrested Vishmbar Dayal (49), son of Rajendra Kumar Valmiki, a resident of New Delhi, a hypocrite tantrik Baba.

Asks to put the ghost in the bottle, gets trapped in the trap

The tantrik would bring black threads, colors etc. to the bottle and after doing tantrik, tells the relatives that the ghost has been locked in the bottle. He would have kept that bottle in the house and next time would tell the relatives that he is doing tantra, till then you come by throwing this bottle ten km away in the forest. Till then he raped the girl. He used to take information from every victim family to other family and make them his victim.

The hypocrite tantrik turns out to be a gambler and a drug addict

During the investigation, when the police searched the mobile of the hypocrite tantrik, many secrets came out in it. Data on betting on online betting was found in mobile. Along with this, both the sons of Vijay resident of Delhi received complaints of extorting Rs 10 lakh on the pretext of getting government jobs and WhatsApp chatting of extorting money on the pretext of treating many other people with conditions.

tried to scare the police too

When the police reached the victim's house, seeing the police force, the hypocrite tantrik started trying to get away. But when the police caught him, he tried to scare the police with his evil forces in the beginning, but when the police acted strictly, he accepted the incident.