Politics News / KC Tyagi reacted to Mamta Banerjee's statement, said- INDI alliance has been torn apart

NCP-SCP MP Supriya Sule said on Mamata Banerjee's statement that she is an important part of the INDIA alliance and if she wants to take more responsibility, we are with her. At the same time, JDU leader KC Tyagi said that the INDIA alliance has now broken, and there will be a fight among the state leadership.

Politics News: Politics has heated up over the statement made by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee regarding the leadership of the opposition alliance INDIA. Mamata Banerjee had recently expressed disappointment over the coordination and leadership of this alliance in one of her remarks, after which various leaders gave their reaction on this issue. While on one hand NCP-SCP MP Supriya Sule expressed support for Mamata Banerjee's leadership, JDU leader KC Tyagi pointed to growing cracks in the alliance.

Supriya Sule's support: Mamata Banerjee's leadership important for INDIA alliance

Supriya Sule, while reacting to Mamata Banerjee's statement, said that Mamata Banerjee is completely an integral part of the INDIA alliance. He said, "Mamata Banerjee is one of the biggest leaders of India, and in a vibrant democracy the opposition has a big role and responsibility. If they want to take more responsibility, we are with them." This statement of Sule respects Mamata's leadership and appreciates her important contribution to the alliance.

KC Tyagi's statement: Cracks are growing in the INDIA alliance

At the same time, JDU leader KC Tyagi, reacting to Mamata's statement, said that the INDIA alliance is now torn apart. He further said, "Now the next fight will be between the INDIA alliance and the state leadership of the INDIA alliance. Akhilesh Yadav is leading the front in Uttar Pradesh, Mamata Banerjee is leading the front in West Bengal, and Arvind Kejriwal is leading the front in Delhi. The Congress party wants to do politics by climbing on the shoulders of all these. " KC Tyagi indicated that differences are increasing among various leaders in the alliance regarding self-reliance and leadership role, which may raise questions on the unity of the alliance in the upcoming elections.

Mamata Banerjee's statement: Disappointment on leadership and coordination

Mamata Banerjee recently expressed her disappointment on the issue of coordination and leadership of the INDIA alliance at her party's event. She said, "I formed the India Alliance. Now it is up to those who lead the front to manage it. If they cannot run the show, what can I do about it. All I want to say is that everyone needs to be taken along." This statement of Mamata indicates that she is expecting better coordination in the alliance and if there is a need to improve the leadership, then she and other leaders need to take steps for it.

Clarification by TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh

After this statement of Mamata Banerjee, some speculations started that she personally wants the leadership of the India Alliance. On this, TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh clarified and said that Mamata never sought leadership for personal ambitions. He clarified, "Mamata Banerjee has founded the India Alliance, and it is a united front against the BJP. Her priority is West Bengal, and she is not interested in the chair she gets in Delhi. If the INDIA Alliance wants Mamata Banerjee to lead the alliance, then she will lead it from Kolkata itself." Conclusion

Mamata Banerjee's statement points to a new direction in opposition politics. While SUPRiya Sule has valued her leadership, KC Tyagi has expressed concern over the cracks within the alliance. This statement of Mamata Banerjee is raising an important question mark on future strategies in politics and the stability of the alliance. Now it remains to be seen what steps are taken in the INDIA alliance regarding leadership and coordination in the coming days.