Gajendra Rathore
- India,
- 26-Mar-2021,
Jaipur: Politics has intensified in the phone tapping case. The verbal attacks between BJP and Congress leaders have started after Union Waterpower Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat lodged an FIR in Delhi. PCC President Govind Singh Dotasara tweeted that Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat should stop the gimmick of false FIR and come to Rajasthan and give his voice sample to ACB, so that the proof of your involvement in the conspiracy to topple the state government is with the Rajasthan Police. , His truth could come out. On this statement of Dotasara, Deputy Leader of the Opposition Rajendra Rathore tweeted that Dotasara, before taking a voice sample of Union Minister Gajendra Singh Ji, you should disclose the reasons that in the lawsuit filed by your chief government whip FR Why was it installed? Why is the Chief Whip not being processed under Section 182 of the IPC? Rathore said that in the FIR lodged by the Chief Whip earlier, he was the accused who was sitting with the Chief Minister and drinking tea while wavering the chair of the government. First you look into your Gireban and then accuse others.
Rathore said that due to the undemocratic way of public representatives tapping the phone, the image of Rajasthan state has been tarnished, whose Congress party is the culprit. It is the first government in the history of the state that has been illegally and immorally tapped to break the privacy of public representatives by tapping the phone, which will never be erased. Rathore said that Gehlot cannot be a classic example of how a government works by killing democracy, dissolving the privacy of public representatives and defying constitutional procedures. If you are so eager to get a voice sample, first take the samples of the MLAs of your own party so that the truth is revealed..@GovindDotasra जी, आप केन्द्रीय मंत्री @gssjodhpur जी का वॉयस सैम्पल लेने से पहले उन कारणों का तो खुलासा कर दें कि आपकी ही सरकार के मुख्य सचेतक द्वारा दर्ज कराए गए मुकदमे में एफआर क्यों लगा दी गई ? IPC की धारा 182 के तहत मुख्य सचेतक पर क्यों कार्रवाई नहीं की जा रही ? https://t.co/kMFCITdmOI
— Rajendra Rathore (@Rajendra4BJP) March 26, 2021