Rajasthan / Female constable stole INSAS rifle from police station, furore in police department, arrested

Churu The constable of Rajasthan's Churu Women police station has made such a scandal to teach a lesson to the police officer and staff, so that the police stirred in the district. Women Cancellation stole the Insas rifle from the police station on Thursday, when he was doing a saunte.

Churu The constable of Rajasthan's Churu Women police station has made such a scandal to teach a lesson to the police officer and staff, so that the police stirred in the district. Women Cancellation stole the Insas rifle from the police station on Thursday, when he was doing a saunte. Police personnel got fluttered when the rifle stolen in the police station. After a lot of police, the rifle stolen on behalf of women's constable was found in the clerical house in the Churu Court. Babu's house was recovered from the bottom of his bed.

The police arrested the Women Cancellation Lilavati and his clerical light and presented in the court, from where he has been ordered to send him to jail. Earlier, during the interrogation, the accused women constables talked about stealing the Ensas Rifle to teach a lesson to the women's police station Satpal Vishnoi and Staff.

Kotwali police station registered a case in section 7/25 of the IPC streams and Arms Act. Women's police station Satpal Vishnoi said in the report that on Thursday, the head constable Bhadder from the police line called another Constable Dhapi Devi, asked him to take him to the Ensas Rifle. The constable Shishram police line reached the police station and brought the rifle. At that time, there was a woman constable Savita on the sanctuary guard. When the Savita does not get the keyboard key, the rifle was placed in the HM office store, at that time the concentter Lilavati was deployed on the sentry guard.

Police said that at about four o'clock in the evening, Hm took the rifle, his senses went to disappear. When asked about the rifle from women constable Lilavati, he refused to information, while at that time the saant was deployed. Prior to stealing the rifle, the female constable also closed the CCTV camera in the police station, when the investigation of CCTV in the police station was found to be closed. During the interrogation, tea and vegetables have said to see the accused women constable to take the rifle. He told that the woman constable returned back to the rifle. He had stopped himself in the police station for 10 minutes.

Police said that after a while, the accused woman reached the constable and after breaking the lock, she made an excuse to go to the toilet and put her latch. After 10 minutes after the explanation, the gate was opened. Nothing was found on searching the house. Later, the baby girl said that she saw Lilavati throw the rifle in the nearby house. The police had feared that the accused rifle can make the rifle until the warrant, in such a case, the house of Babu Prakash, who was cooperating in hiding the rifle of the female constable Lilavati, who was working in the court. During the search, a room was locked. On this, the police opened up and searched the woman constable under the mattress, the Insash rifle got.

Women Cancelle Lilavati was absent from the police station for two and a half months, which joined Duty on Thursday. Due to keeping a rage from his staff, he wanted to trap him and therefore he carried out this incident in a well planned manner. During the Duty in Rajgarh police station, women's constable Lilavati has been in controversy. In the year 2014, during his posting in Rajgarh police station, there was a lot of ruckus in the Rajgarh police station. In front of the people, there are serious accusations on their own officials that people were stunned. The soldiers alleged to cry in front of the people that the officials are torturing him when he did not cooperate in wrong things.